Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm Back!

After being away from the market for 5 weeks, I'll be back tomorrow!  Seems like forever.  I want to thank the 2 ladies who took care of things while I was gone.  I was told things have been quiet at the market due to the cold and the rain we've had lately, and the 100 Mile Yard Sale last weekend.  The weatherman says tomorrow will be nice day; and I'm looking forward to attending the farmers' market again.  

My plans for the blog are for the vendors to email me each week, if they can fit it into their schedules, to let me know if they'll be at the market and what items they'll have for sale.  Then I can print up some business cards with the blog's web address to hand out to our customers where they can go on-line and see what to expect at the market each week.  Or what they might have missed!    

As always, the market is open 8 a.m. to 12 noon, behind the Co-op in Marble Hill, MO, on Hwy. 34.